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Sunday, 18 August 2013

The summer comes to an end - what we learned...

Well, it's all over now and Alan and I are enjoying a break in England after saying good-bye to 5 American, 1 Croatian and 1 UK Edger plus our 2 German interns.  Fortunately we do get to see the German interns again but their time working with us has come to an end. 

So what did we learn from this crazy filled two months and before that months and months of planning, organizing and prepping? Well, let me start by saying that it was not the easiest of summers.  In fact it was extremely difficult at times.  I am convinced God was taking all of us out of our comfort zones as we learned to work together and attempt to function as a team.  Galations 1:10 really rung true to me after a lot of prayer and contemplation about the summer.  You see I worried and sometimes worry still that I was too hard on the team.  The schedule was NOT easy and we pushed the team to their limits.  God continues to reassure me though that what was accomplished was worth the long days, hard work and time put in.  So much so that we have completed our application for a new team next year with the hopes that we can take on board the feedback and the lessons learned from the summer and apply them to whomever God leads to join us next year.  Short-term missions is NOT for the faint of heart.  It requires a lot of faith that God knows what He's doing and why He sent those He sent to work alongside you.  It also requires a lot of grace, of which Christ is the supreme example for us all.   

Galations 1:10 says, "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Here is the link to the video we made at the completion of the summer.  It shows a lot of what the team accomplished and the lives affected.  We are so grateful to the host families, co-workers in Christ at the CVJM and supporters who prayed for us and sent gifts to allow us to be here.  You are all true partners with us in this work and without you we could not accomplish any of it. 

Pray for us as we begin planning for the coming year.  Pray God would direct every single step we take.  Pray also for the Edgers who have returned home to their families, churches and schools.  Pray God would continue to reveal to them what He was trying to teach them this summer and pray it will impact them for eternity. - Pioneers Germany Edge 2013 video

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