"To write" or "to do", that is my question. Many times in the past it has just been about doing and that's why I haven't gotten back on here as often as I'd like. So often it's a choice for me - do I play with Chloe, clean the house, do ministry stuff or do I update folks on all of those things through this blog, our newsletter or a thank you note? I guess a bit of both is needed and if I'm being honest I would say the last month has been so full to overflowing that I could use a break to write down all God is doing if for nothing else to remind myself of how good He is and how many prayers He's answered for us.

This month we've celebrated Chloe's first Easter at both churches, welcomed Sarah Lee to Germany, started teaching an English as a Foreign Language class to members of the CVJM church, had a college and young adults hamburger social, continued work at the CVJM building a huge wall, plastering, painting and doing everything under the sun there, continued our volunteering at the Birke filling baby bottles with information about how people can get involved in the fight against abortion and helping to stuff newsletters and brochures and anything else needed. Alan also started back to intensive language school every day and I've signed up to be on the conference planning team for the Pioneers European conference in May of 2013. So far we've met twice via skype for a couple of hours and it's exciting to see plans about the conference come together. I'd love to share more details but nothings firm as of yet.

Chloe, our lives joy and priceless treasure is growing like a weed. She's learning new things every day and her smile can light up any room. Unfortunately she is much faster than we are so keeping up with her crawling around like mad is a challenge! The other day I heard her rummaging through Websters dogfood. Fortunately I got to her before she ate her full! :) The thing I've loved the most lately is watching her just giggle with glee whenever Webster is around. She absolutely adores this dog. She feeds him her Cheerios every morning, tries to grab his fur to give him a pat whenever he walks by and she loves it when we're sitting in the rocking chair together and Webster acts like he's going to bite her feet (of course he never would). The other day I hear her giggling in the back seat of the car and I looked in the rear view mirror to see her feeding Webster her pretzel and watching him lick her in appreciation. YUK! :)

Our days and nights are full of activity and we are so grateful for all that is taking place now and all that will take place this summer. Alans mom comes for a short visit next week then I head to southern Germany with our area leader and another missionary to scout out the hotel the InTent Pioneers conference will use this October and again in March of 2013. I agreed to be on the ground team for that conference as well but it's much smaller than the 2013 European conference. After we return from Georgia we'll be welcoming a team from WFBC of somewhere between 6-8 individuals who are going to work with us and help out at the CVJM for about two weeks. As they pull out we get a small Edge team from the UK for three weeks and then in August and September I am back in language class.

Alan and I would appreciate your prayers against discouragement and spiritual attack for our marriage and ministry. Our area leader said it best - we're not necessarily lonely but we are experiencing "aloneness". In three weeks though we head back to Georgia for a few weeks to celebrate birthdays galore (Lily Kate's 2nd, Chloe and Emma's 1st, Christine's 30th, Lee Anne's 46th and a late celebration for my best friend Melody whose birthday is actually tomorrow). We'll also celebrate mother's day and father's day. I'm trying to pull together a surprise video for my dad for Father's Day so hopefully that will come together ok with everyones help. I did one for my mom about five years ago that was fun to do.
Thank you for keeping track of us, praying for us and being interested in our lives. We appreciate our friends and family so much!
We love you both and are excited to get to see you when you're back in Georgia!
Can't seem to find my post so will write again. Loved your news filled post. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Mom