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Sunday, 21 February 2010

Holy Spirit fill this place and send revival to this land

What an awesome God we serve. He is full of might and strength. He is greater than anything that will ever come against us - greater than all of our troubles, our jobs, our relationships, our aches and pains, cancers, disappointments, fears. He holds us in the palm of his hand. He numbered every hair on our head. He fashioned the universe with a wave of his hand. He loves us unconditionally though we fail Him time and time again. He does not condemn or accuse or judge. He simply loves. He disciplines us for our good. The bible says He disciplines those He loves. The God of the universe loves ME. Intimately, deeply, passionately. He is jealous for ME. He is my protector. He upholds me with his righteous right hand. He tells me to Fear not for He will help me (Isaiah 41:10). He says to trust in Him with all my heart, to lean not on my own understanding, that in all my ways I should acknowledge Him and that He will give me the desires of my heart. (Prov 3: 5-6) He is compassionate and gracious, abounding in love. He is slow to anger.

The bible says that Yeah, though we walk though the valley of the shadow of death we will fear no evil for He is with us (Psalm 23). Praise the Lord for He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade (I Peter 1:3,4) He tells us to submit ourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men.. for it is Gods will that by doing good we should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. (I Peter 2:13-15).

Our God is an awesome God. Do you know that? Do you really believe it? Do you live as if you do? Do you know Him intimately or do you just know "of" Him?

Church this morning was aweome. It has been for several weeks now. Everyone is just happy for Jesus and the Holy Spirit to drop by and hang out and move in peoples lives and hearts. The youth since coming back from their leadership retreat have had such a great impact on all of us. They are all new christians but are so on fire - the adults have a lot of catching up to do!

Work is difficult. Lots going on that I can't discuss but God is so amazing and He will defend me and lift me up and encourage me. He already has through dozens and dozens of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I've missed my girls. Each and every one of them are so special to me - even the difficult ones. If nothing else, this week has told me that I do in fact want to keep doing this work. Despite it all I want to give my life away to these girls or to girls like them - to share Jesus with them, to take them to church, to cry and rejoice with them. Since starting I've ministered to, trained and worked with over thirty of the most needy, unloved and sometimes unloveable girls. They are also some of the most incredibly bright, talented, sweet and funny girls I've ever known.

I am happier doing this job for next to nothing in pay than I've ever been in any other job and no, it's not because of the organization or the politics or any of that because that would have driven me away a long time ago. It's because of these girls and Jesus' love for them that just keeps pouring into my heart. I simply have to give it away or I'll overflow. Is it difficult? Absolutely - probably the most difficult job yet. As my dad says, we may only save 1 in a hundred and the other 99 might kick us in the shins, slander us or tell us to jump off a bridge but Jesus loves that 1 and so do I. Thank you Jesus for my prayer warriors and for your word you gave to me today at church. Thank you for Bob and His willingness to hear from you and to speak your truth and for Iain Lord. "You can't be on the front lines and not expect to be shot at." The gates of hell will not prevail against us.

I love you Jesus!

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