Day 2 - Andrew Wisner, Nicole Demers, Joshua Carter, Beth Shumway and Lynne Free arrive at the Frankfurt airport at 7:30am, meet Alan and come to the CVJM where a traditional German breakfast is waiting plus the rest of the team. Saskia is introduced as is Wiebe Lisa who will are the CVJM's German interns and who will be working with the team this summer. After a tour of the CVJM and an intro meeting the teams head to their host homes to rest. That night it's Tensing where the team has fun meeting all the teens and listening to Saskia share. (Mary)
Day 3 - The team spends on their own in
Day 4 - Team heads to their first church service (Gottesdients) at the CVJM at 11:00. Joshua is already playing his guitar and singing during worship and Andrew joins in to help out singing as well. Rebekka shares about her time in
Day 5 - The team heads to
Day 6 - the team met for a prayer time before starting their first work day at the CVJM. Lots was accomplished by all and we are very encouraged by the team's willingness to work hard for God and the people at the CVJM. (Mary)
Day 7: The morning and early afternoon was spent in
Day 8 - Our team worked very hard from late morning to early evening. We then had our first "coffee house social" to kick off our apologetics course for the summer. It appeared most present were born-again, but we still thank the Lord that so many came and participated. (Andrew)
Day 9: We continued work with the CVJM loft's floor. At Ten-Sing tonight, we painted a backdrop for our play and practiced songs for the upcoming concert. We also decided that "Schlumpf" is an acceptable word to describe anyone. Spiritual warfare is increasing by my observations. (Andrew)
Day 10: Another hard day of work at the CVJM. We are all tired, both physically and spiritually. Prayers are much appreciated. Hopefully, we can unwind at a BBQ tonight. (Andrew)
Day 11: I preached today on living a life filled with passion for God like the apostles did in the book of Acts and so many Christian missionaries on the field today that end up giving their lives for their faith. Here is the text of my preach if you want to read it. I was so thankful to Boris for translating for me and that Lisa was back to help lead worship with Corrie! We have missed you Lisa! (Mary)
Passion for God - As seen in the book of Acts and Today
Today we
will continue our discussion on missions and the book of Acts.
forward to today and occasionally you see some of the same passions in people
but really it’s rare. The book of Acts
was clearly a powerful time for the Spirit of God to move, work and bless. Most Christians you and I know are not
passionate. Most of us are
self-centered, apathetic and our lives so closely resemble lives of
non-Christians no one can tell us apart.
There are
some exceptions though.
In the
past century we’ve seen missionaries like Jim Elliott and Nate Saint, who
worked with the Auca Indians of Ecuador or Simon Geske who was called to the
Turks in eastern Turkey . Dave Mankins was called to the Kuna people of
Panama and John and
Elisabeth Stam went to China . Maybe you recall some of these missionaries
and their stories of great courage and passion.
All were filled
with the Holy Spirit like the apostles in the book of Acts but they also shared
something else in common.
They all
died. All were martyred for their faith.
But what
did they die for? In fact what did they
live AND die for?
Graham, the famed evangelist once said that he was in the room with Chancellor
Konrad Adenhauer - the first chancellor of Germany after Hitler. Adenhauer was charged with picking up the
pieces of a broken Germany
and he had called for the young evangelist to visit him. Graham sat nervously and waited for one the
greatest statesmen in history to speak.
Adenhauer surprised the evangelist when he asked him, “Mr Graham, do you
believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ?”
Billy Graham was stunned for a moment and he said, “Sir. if I didn’t
believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I would not be an
evangelist.” Mr. Adenhauer then walked
over to the window and looked out at the debris of Cologne and all that the war had wrecked and
then this great statesman said this, “Mr. Graham, outside of the resurrection
of Jesus Christ I know of no other hope for mankind.”
“No other
hope for mankind.”
So let’s think about the apostles in the book of Acts. The three that stand out to me are Paul, Peter and James (the brother of Jesus). These three also had something in common. James rejected Jesus as the Messiah before his death. Peter denied him three times and Paul persecuted the entire Christian church. This was however UNTIL they met Jesus face to face after his resurrection. That changed everything. Paul became an apostle to the Gentiles, Peter to the Jews and James was the head of the church at
So how
ready are you and I to give our lives for Jesus? Maybe you will say, well that won’t ever
happen because I plan to live and die in Germany . God has not called me to be a missionary to
places today where Christians are being killed.
I’m just going to live my life here and I will be safe.
I guess I
would say to you, “have you watched the news lately?” I don’t watch the news
too often because it thoroughly depresses me.
All bad news. If we are not in
the end times already there is a very strong possibility we will be in only a
few short years. Look at the prophesies foretold in the bible and then look at
the world around you. It’s not long
Maybe you
won’t be called to give your life for Christ but the real question becomes how
ready are you to LIVE for Christ every day?
Do you find it difficult to read your bible every day? How often do you really pray? Do you find you get passionate about sharing
Christ with your family members, friends or co-workers who are lost? When’s the last time you told someone the
good news that Jesus came, rose and conquered the one great enemy that haunts
each and every one of us? Death?
The last couple
of months we spent talking about the Holy Spirit and the life he desires for
you to live. The life He wants to enable
you to have. Did you pray for the Holy
Spirit to come into your life and to radically transform you like He did for
the apostles in the book of Acts? Do you
even believe it’s possible to live like this?
If we are
honest, week after week we live relatively uneventful lives... but maybe, like
me, you want to be like one of those apostles in the book of Acts or like one
of these missionaries who gave his life for Christ.
So what
will it take?
1) Be Passionate – apathy. The great danger of the church. Don’t be apathetic. Be anything but don’t be an apathetic
2) Be Called – The Great commission has called us all to be missionaries. Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
is your Jerusalem .
Europe is your
3) Be Willing – pray God will change your heart
and make His will be Your will! Alan and
I fight this all the time. We would both
love to be living in our homelands, visiting with family and friends, speaking
English at all times. But more than that
we want to be willing to be where God wants us and at least for now that is in Germany .
4) Be
Prepared – put on the armor of God as is called out in the book of Ephesians,
chapter 6. Read your bible, search out
an accountability partner, pray, forgive, live a life that is dependent on
Christ. Build a relationship with Christ
and make it your first priority.
Don’t be
comfortable – God never called us to be comfortable.
Don’t be
apathetic – Your life has purpose and meaning!
Don’t waste it.
Don’t be
a complainer – As CS Lewis says, “"What He wants of the layman in church
is an attitude which may, indeed, be critical in the sense of rejecting what is
false or unhelpful, but which is wholly uncritlcal in the sense that it does
not appraise - does not waste time in thinking about what it rejects, but lays
itself open in uncommenting, humble receptivity to any nourishment that is going."
Live a
life radically transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and the knowledge
that Jesus Christ, the son of the most high God who created the world we see
around us came, died and rose again conquering death and we are to live to give
him glory for all He has done.