Well, we just returned from a five week visit to the states and to England. We enjoyed so many celebrations it was unreal. First it was Lee Anne's birthday party followed the next day by Lily Kate and Emma's dual Noah's ark birthday parties. Lily turned 2 and Emma Lynn turned 1. I won't reveal how old my sister Lee Anne is as I don't have her permission but she's 4.5 years older than me! :)

So that was Friday and Saturday May 11th and 12th. The 13th was Mother's Day. The following week I already blogged about getting the chance to go and see Amy Washington and hear about her ministry in Uganda. The 18th we celebrated Emma's actual birth "date" at Brett's and enjoyed some swimming at Christine and Russ' pool. The 19th was Shannon Barry's engagement party which was lovely German fun in the heart of Athens! The 20th - 24th we were fishing at the condo in South Carolina and then later on the 24th we met with the team from WFBC who are coming to Germany in four days now...

The following week I had fun with Melody and the kids while Alan helped dad re-roof a section of the roof where squirrels had chewed their way into the attic. Chloe had her first birthday photo shoot at mom and dad's on the 30th of May then that night we had a girls night out at Aqua Linda for Christine's 30th. The 31st the four (younger than 4) cousins had a pajama party while the adults went to 5 and 10 for Christine's birthday with the family. Since Christine and Chloe share the same birthday Alan and I, Lee Anne and mom and dad along with Charlotte and Lily went to memorial park during the day so Chloe could see the animals. I then got cupcakes the girls could have for their fun night together. The 1st was Chloe's pool party for her 1st birthday.

We left Georgia on the 5th, came back to Germany for a day, left Webster with a sweet girl in our church here and her family and got to England on the 7th. On the 8th we rented a canal boat to take Alan and Margaret on a day trip for their anniversary (55 years together!). Then the 10th was Margaret's 75th birthday. We went to the pub with the whole family (minus Sammy) to celebrate. We got to go to Hillside for church, Simona and Mihai's for a lovely dinner and also to Linda and Richard's for dinner after a day out at Angelsey with Chloe. We decided to go to the hotel where we got engaged and walk along the beach and have lunch. It was a nice day.

So now we're back in Germany. I'm still not caught up with housework but I'm getting there. Saturday we went to Stuttgart for the day to attend the wedding of Julia and Michel. It was our first German wedding so that was a treat. Yesterday was church at Victory, shopping for the team coming this weekend, meeting with Sarah-Lee, Saskia and Klaus about the team and then church at the CVJM. Today I was scrubbing floors, trying to entertain Chloe, washing clothes, organizing the house, sending out a ton of emails to the team coming from WFBC answering various questions and basically trying to survive until Alan gets home with more milk. We ran out this morning and when he said he was only going to the CVJM for a few hours I thought he meant it. :) Now it's 7:30 at night and I had to put Chloe to bed with water, lullaby's and a rocking chair. Poor thing.
The next few days are all about prep for the team but in addition to that I'm trying to help a sweet German girl get on board with Pioneers somewhere overseas for her GAP year, plan two Pioneers conferences and get ready for the Edge girls coming from the UK on the 5th of July. I think they'll stay with Klaus and Trudi (the pastor and his wife from the CVJM) which will be nice for them. I was just talking to Alan and he said I could take the car and take all three girls down to Munich for the night so we can visit the town and see Dacchau. I will miss Chloe like mad but I think it will be good for us to go. Either that or we'll just all go and invite more folks from the CVJM and take the mini-bus maybe. We'll see.

Well, I'll update again once the team has gone hopefully and share pictures from their adventures. We'd really appreciate prayers that their trip would be a blessing to the folks here and to those that come as well.